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XML news and resources for Macintosh users

XMacL archive 2002-01


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21 January 2002

Radio UserLand 8.0

Version 8.0 of this "news publishing and routing tool that runs on the desktop, patterned after the 'weblog' concept pioneered by UserLand," is now compatible with Mac OS X (along with Mac OS 7.5.5 and up). Radio UserLand supports SOAP 1.1 and XML-RPC, enabling it to link "into new distributed XML-based networks, being created by developers on all platforms, in languages such as Python, Perl, Tcl, Visual Basic, PHP and AppleScript."

21 January 2002

IBM XML Schema Quality Checker

This Java-based tool from IBM's alphaworks tests XML Schemas and offers diagnostic reporting and suggested fixes for some errors; it can run under Mac OS X.

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