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21 October 2002 |
Archipelago 2.0
According to its developer, "Archipelago is a XML-RPC based editor for Manila, Radio, and web sites that support the Blogger API and MetaWeblog API. It currently runs on MacOS 9, and OS X." Version 2.0 adds a large number of bug fixes and other improvements.
20 October 2002 |
<oXygen/> 1.2.3
Version 1.2.3 of this XML editor is a maintenance release that adds support for regular expressions in find, a new XML Wizard that automatically identifies all possible root elements once a user selects a schema or DTD, and various other improvements.
20 October 2002 |
Version 4.5 of this cross-platform development framework adds a new XML document class.
20 October 2002 |
EZxslt is designed to enable one to "quickly and easily use XML to create formatted Microsoft Word documents using FileMaker Pro 6 based data."
20 October 2002 |
Transforming XML with CSS and DOM
The Apple Developer Connection site has an article on performing XML Transformations with CSS and the DOM.
20 October 2002 |
SGML/XML Tools for Macintosh
Kisi Kazutaka of JAGAT (the Japan Association of Graphics Art Technology) has made several XML tools available for download. SimpleTag 1.0 "converts...text data (in other words, legacy data) to...XML documents, using [a] pattern specified by [a] regular expression"; SimpleXML 1.0 is an editor able "to create, verify and edit...XML documents"; SX 1.3.3b3 "parses and validates [an] SGML document
and writes an equivalent XML document"; and TransforMiix 1.0a is an XSLT processor that "applies XSL style sheets to XML documents
and outputs HTML and text."
20 October 2002 |
PDF Generator 2.0.4
According to its developer's page, among the capabilities of this Java-based tool is that of converting "dynamic XML-documents into PDF-documents."
20 October 2002 |
db Reports 3.1 & X 3.1
Version 3.1 of this XML-capable reporting software is available for Mac OS Classic and OS X.
20 October 2002 |
XSLT Tools 1.0b1
Late Night Software has made available a beta version of the XSLT Tools AppleScript Scripting Addition package, which "contains a series of simple example scripts that illustrate how to perform XSLT transformations and use XPath expressions to extract information from XML data. These examples show all the ways XSLT Tools can be used to process XML data."
20 October 2002 |
XML Tools 2.5
Version 2.5 of Late Night Software's XML Tools AppleScript Scripting Addition offers improved performance under Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) and adds a new separate namespace URIs parameter.
20 October 2002 |
Lasso Professional 6
Lasso Professional 6 adds support for parsing and manipulating XML data within Lasso, applying XSLT style sheets to XML documents, and using XPaths to extract data from XML documents.
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