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XMacL archive 2003-2


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18 February 2003

BBEdit 7.0.2

Today Bare Bones Software made a 7.0.2 updater available for this premiere text editing software; the updated version "is recommended for all BBEdit 7.0 customers."

18 February 2003

NetNewsWire 1.0.1b1

A downloadable beta of an updated version of this RSS newsfeed software is now available; a new version (1.0.3b2) of NetNewsWire Lite also was posted today.

18 February 2003

EZxslt 1.03

An updated version of this tool for creating Word documents using FileMaker Pro data with XML and XSLT is available.

18 February 2003

FAQtor 1.1

Version 1.1 of this tool for creating, editing, and saving "FAQ (frequently asked questions) documents as text, HTML and XML" is available.

18 February 2003

Direct RSS

"Direct RSS allows the creation and maintenance of an RSS syndication file [without] the requirement to have a web site. Many blog publishing tools come with the capability of creating an RSS file of the blog. The purpose here is to create an independent RSS file direct from the desktop." Direct RSS files conform to the RSS 0.92 standard.

17 February 2003

Apple on the Keynote XML File Format

A recent ADC TechNote (TN2067) from the Apple Developer Connection describes the APXL Schema (APXL is derived from "Apple Presentation XmL") that defines the Keynote presentation application's XML-based file format.

17 February 2003

Safari Update 2-12-03

According to its Apple download page, this recently posted version of the Safari web browser "improves compatibility with popular web sites, displays web pages and Flash content more quickly, adds XML support, increases standards conformance and improves stability."

6 February 2003

IntelliMerge 3.0

This email merging application for Mac OS X and OS 9 offers XML export functionality.

5 February 2003

Apple Developer Connection on plists

A recently updated page on the ADC site offers a concise introduction to XML Property Lists (plists), which are used in many ways in Mac OS X; many more ADC online documents address other aspects of working with XML in Mac applications, and may be found by searching the ADC site for "XML".

5 February 2003

FAQtor 1.0

According its ReadMe, "FAQtor is a word processing tool to easily handle 'FAQ' (Frequently Asked Questions) documents. FAQtor can handle FAQ files in several languages which will each contain the same questions and answers. For each language, FAQtor will hold a group of topics, which will each contain a set of questions and answers. FAQtor can then save this FAQ document as a FAQtor file, a simple text file, an HTML file," or "an XML file with its own DTD."

5 February 2003

db Reports 3.2a2

Development continues of this report-generation tool for use with a variety of databases under Mac OS X or OS 9. db Reports uses XML documents as its default format.

5 February 2003

Witango 5 for Mac OS X

Version 5 of this development environment (now at 5.02) and web application server (now at 5.01) is available for Mac OS X; among other features, it supports XML-based web services: "The application server's client interface has been exposed, providing C++ and Java interfaces that can support SOAP, XML-RPC and other direct connections."

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